Health & safety
Health and safety are an absolute priority at MUMI. In an industry like ours, there are risks everywhere and we need to work as a team to eliminate them.
That’s why we take action to make sure our employees, contractors and anyone working at our site is able to return home safe and sound at the end of every work day.
The MUMI Health and Safety programme focuses on identifying and managing hazards in the workplace and is based on the Glencore SafeWork framework which aims to provide everyone with the knowledge and tools to perform every task safely; the key message is that every individual has the authority to stop unsafe work.
We recognise the impact our operations can have and our role as a custodian of the environment and are committed to identifying opportunities to reduce our environmental footprint.
Social performance
As an industrial mining company operating in Lualaba, MUMI has a role to play in the economic and social development of the province but also as a partner to our communities.
We believe in building respectful relationships with our host communities. We communicate openly and proactively to address concerns raised. We work closely with communities to identify the different areas of collaboration to ensure that our initiatives address the concerns of local people. In partnership with local communities, we recently finalised our “Cahier des Charges” and have commenced work critical community projects.
We support local communities by facilitating:
- access to potable water and rehabilitating rural desert roads;
- the construction of adequate medical facilities and schools in surrounding communities; and
- the provision of seeds, training, and access to agricultural inputs to community farmers.
Enterprise development
Enterprise development initiatives are established, facilitated and evaluated by MUMI but owned and managed by community members. This philosophy supports local companies in becoming contributors to our host communities' economic growth.
The overarching objectives of these initiatives are to help:
- Create sustainable jobs
- Reduce poverty levels
- Create self-reliant communities
- Build and grow the local economy
Over the last five years, MUMI has supported improving access to education and increasing enrolment rates, particularly for girls, by constructing and equipping schools in the communities that surround our operations. MUMI supports projects in partnership with the relevant local authorities.
We have built schools that we fund annually. We support vocational training for community members through courses that include boiler making, machine driving, auto mechanics, air conditioning and tailoring.
We host summer camps to provide a space for young children during the long summer break.